Welcome to GOLF!

GOLF is a general and open-source Federated Learning (FL) framework. Through this document, you can learn everything you need to know when using GOLF.

What it is

GOLF (Generic and Open Learning Federator) aims to present a scalable, portable, and lightweight framework, which can be applied to diverse devices in different scenarios.

For FL frameworks, the following five aspects summarize the challenges in their design, implementation, and other processes:

    1. Aggregation Algorithm: Most existing frameworks only support synchronous FL, but asynchronous FL is more suitable for applications with heterogeneous learning participants.

    1. Device Compatibility: FL framework needs to be capable of hosting various devices, especially edge devices, and performing on-device computing.

    1. API Design: Generic calls and flexible expansion of APIs are the essential requirements for an efficient and scalable FL framework.

    1. System Configuration: Users and developers prefer out-of-the-box system frameworks with reproducible procedures.

    1. System Application: The system should provide service customization to support various application scenarios.

GOLF is a possible solution for these challenges and is constantly being improved. You can get a quick start with Getting Started.


    1. GOLF provides a lightweight solution to support the implementation of FL.

    1. GOLF modularizes system functions to achieve loose coupling during system development and deployment, which makes the framework more generic and scalable.

    1. GOLF uses container technology to ensure that the system is weakly dependent on the compilation environment to achieve portability.

    1. GOLF is compatible with multiple devices (e.g., Android, embedded devices, etc.).


Indices and Tables


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